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vscode 源码解析 - 编译


  • Git
  • Node.js version >=20.x
  • Python (required for node-gyp; check the node-gyp readme for the currently upported Python versions)
  • A C/C++ compiler tool chain for your platform:
    • Visual Studio Installer (Windows 10/11 x64)
      • "Workloads": Desktop Development with C++
      • "Individual components":
        • MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 Spectre-mitigated libs (Latest)
        • C++ ATL for latest build tools with Spectre Mitigations
        • C++ MFC for latest build tools with Spectre Mitigations
    • open a command prompt and run npm config edit and add or modify the msvs_version setting equal to your vs version. (e.g. msvs_version=2022 for visual studio 2022)
    • Warning: Make sure your profile path only contains ASCII letters, e.g. John, otherwise, it can lead to node-gyp usage problems (nodejs/node-gyp/issues#297)


Install and build all of the dependencies using npm:

cd vscode
npm install

Then you have two options:

  • If you want to build from inside VS Code, you can open the vscode folder and start the build task with Ctrl+Shift+B. The build task will stay running in the background even if you close VS Code. If you happen to close VS Code and open it again, just resume the build by pressing Ctrl+Shift+B (CMD+Shift+B) again. You can kill it by running the Kill Build VS Code task or pressing Ctrl+D in the task terminal.

  • If you want to build from a terminal, run npm run watch. This will run both the core watch task and watch-extension tasks in a single terminal.

The incremental builder will do an initial full build and will display a message that includes the phrase "Finished compilation" once the initial build is complete. The builder will watch for file changes and compile those changes incrementally, giving you a fast, iterative coding experience.

If the build step fails, or if the built version fails to run (see next section), run git clean -xfd in your vscode folder, then re-run npm install.



Running on Electron with extensions run in NodeJS:



👉 Tip! If you receive an error stating that the app is not a valid Electron app, it probably means you didn't run npm run watch first.

VS Code for the Web


Extensions and UI run in the browser.

👉Besides npm run watch also run npm run watch-web to build the web bits for the built-in extensions.

Code Server Web

UI in the browser, extensions run in code server (NodeJS):

.\scripts\code-server.bat --launch